March Meetup
We’re excited to host our March community meetup at Auto Trader in Manchester. We have a two talks from Karine Tardivel and Nate Langley.
Natter is a social community based in Manchester, our content and events are designed to help support people working in digital design, or those trying to break into the industry. We believe in the power of conversation and creating an environment where people share knowledge and support one another.
Join us for networking, pizza, drinks, talks and good conversation. Don't miss out, come and natter with us.
18:00 - 18:30
Welcome and networking - grab some food and a drink
18:30 - 18:45
Welcome from Natter and Auto Trader
18:45 - 19:25
Bad UX Kills (Karine Tardivel)
Bad UX Kills is a talk that challenges you to look beyond usability and aesthetics, because the products you design can bring delight, but have you ever considered how they might also cause harm? Small design decisions can have big consequences, and when we get UX wrong, it can lead to confusion, financial loss, or even put lives at risk.
In this talk, we’ll explore real-world examples of everyday UX failures that had serious, sometimes tragic outcomes—for users and the companies behind them. You’ll see just how easy it is for things to go wrong and, more importantly, how to make sure the experiences you create are not just seamless but safe. I’ll wrap up with practical advice to help you spot and prevent these risks, because great UX isn’t just about making things easy - it’s about making them right.
19:25 - 19:40
19:40 - 20:20
There and Back Again: Navigating the Design Career Crossroads (Nate Langley - Monzo)
The path isn't always forward - sometimes, the most valuable journey loops back, giving us fresh perspectives.
Over my 16-year career in design, I've worn many hats, and I've been a manager for the past five years. But I've recently stepped into a pure individual contributing designer role. This wasn't a backward step but a strategic evolution into a more senior design role, where I now apply leadership insights to create more meaningful user experiences. The perspective gained from travelling both paths has proven invaluable - revealing strengths, challenges, and opportunities I couldn't have seen from just one direction.
I crafted this specifically for mid-career designers contemplating their next move. However, it's useful for more and less experienced folks, too. I'll demystify both paths, revealing why our industry needs managers and senior individual contributors to thrive. Drawing from my journey and conversations with other senior designers who've faced similar decisions, I'll share practical frameworks and candid insights about what each path truly entails.
Whether you're drawn to leadership or deepening your craft, you'll leave with tools to make an informed choice and realistic expectations for the road ahead. The best career decisions come not from following trends but from understanding yourself and the unique value you bring to design.
20:20 - 20:30
Wrap up