Why words matter and how to test which ones matter most
We’re excited to host our second community event in March at Code.
Why words matter – in this event we’ll explore two talks around the topics of content design and research. UX writer Natasha and researcher Lisa take us on a journey as we explore the different ways in which we communicate with words and how we understand their impact.
Natter is a new social community based in Manchester, supporting people working in digital design. We believe in the power of conversation and creating an environment where people share knowledge and support one another.
Join us for networking, pizza, drinks, talks and good conversation. Our community is supportive and friendly and is open to people looking to get into ux, career changers, students, professionals and leaders.
Don't miss out, come and natter with us.
18:00 - 18:30
Welcome - grab a slice of pizza and a drink
18:30 - 18:40
Intro from our host - Code
18:40 - 18:50
It all starts with a Natter - Community intro
18:50 - 19:30
Why Words Matter - Natasha Allen (Senior UX Writer at Interactive Investor)
How often have you heard? It's not what you say. It's how you say it.
In my Why Words Matter talk, I'll explain why words matter and how to ensure they make the right impact. We will explore the crucial difference between Brand Vision and Tone of Voice and how people, brands, and communities can use words, writing styles, and so much more to connect, build trust and make delightful digital experiences for all.
I will also explain the different types of copywriting and when to utilise them, how to make copy more accessible, what poor copy looks like and how words shape UX and Experience Design.
Words have the power to connect, convince, include, educate and inspire; when was the last time you considered yours?
19:30 - 19:45
19:45 - 20:25
Making your copy convert: How to discover and test which words matter - Lisa Duddington (UX Research Expert & Digital Psychologist)
In this talk, we'll explore how real user insights can inform your copy, saving you time and rework, as well as creating a stronger engagement with the end user.
But what if you have a website full of copy already? We'll go through how you can test the effectiveness of your copy, ensuring it resonates with users on a deeper level so they're more likely to take the desired action and convert into a customer.
20:25 - 20:30
Wrap up
Prize giveaways
We’re excited to announce we’ve teamed up with Rosenfeld Media and have some great prizes to giveaway on the evening.