Make Time - Natter Community Launch Event
We’re excited to host our community launch event in February at AJ Bell in Salford Quays.
Make time – a special event to celebrate the leap year. What will we do with our extra time? How do we manage our time for creative tasks and plan our productivity around meetings? Join us for lightning talks and fireside chats facilitated by the design team at AJ Bell.
Natter is a new social community based in Manchester, supporting people working in digital design. We believe in the power of conversation and creating an environment where people share knowledge and support one another.
Join us for networking, pizza, drinks, talks and good conversation. Our community is supportive and friendly and is open to people looking to get into ux, career changers, students, professionals and leaders.
Don't miss out, come and natter with us.
18:00 - 18:30
Welcome - grab a slice of pizza and a drink
18:30 - 18:35
Intro from our host - AJ Bell
18:35 - 18:45
It all starts with a natter - community intro
18:45 - 19:05
Psychology in Design - making decisions when research isn’t an option
19:05 - 19:20
Changing stakeholder mindsets with research
19:20 - 19:40
Finding your “why”
19:40 - 19:50
19:50 - 20:30
Fireside Chats (AJ Bell Design Team)
Wrap up
Prize giveaways
We’re excited to announce we’ve teamed up with Rosenfeld Media and have some great prizes to giveaway on the evening.